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Undergraduate program (consisting of Industrial Management Group and Business Management Group) Annual student intake: 60 
To accommodate the need of research on the Asia-Pacific region, the Ministry of Education (MOE) permitted the University of Kaohsiung to set up the Department of Asia-Pacific Industrial and Business Management in August 2001. A total of 60 undergraduates may be enrolled annually in either the Business Management Group or the Industrial Management Group.

The establishment of the Department is related to the Asia-Pacific regional development. When a globalized management tendency appeared in the late 1990s, Japan and western countries increased their investment in the Asia-Pacific region. They shifted investment focus from NIEs to ASEAN countries, China, and India, causing changes in the regional trade structure and international division of labor. The developmental model of industrial and business management thus attracted attention in Industrial and business circles.

Professor Po-chih Lee was invited to be our first chair.
Professor Pao-tiao Chuang and Dr Jung-tai Chen were recruited into full-time faculty positions.


Dr Yi-min Chen and Dr Ting-lin Lee joined us in 2002.


Dr Hwan-yann Su and Dr Sheng-chien Lin came to our Department in 2003.


Two-year undergraduate program for working professionals Annual student intake: 50 
In accordance with MOE’s recurrent policy, the two-year undergraduate program designed for working professionals was launched in August 2002, recruiting 50 students per year. We aim to equip students with disciplines, innovation, perspectives, as well as the most current knowledge and professional skills of Industrial and businesses management in the Asia-Pacific region. We also wish to cultivate potential leaders with exceptional capability and a broad vision. It is expected that the interaction between the undergraduates and the working professionals can prepare the former to develop knowledge and attitude needed for future career success. After all, ‘success is where preparation and opportunity meet’.


We were joined by Professor Ing-chuang Huang, Professor Kuen-horng Lu, and Dr Min-hsin Huang in 2004. We had a total of ten full-time faculty members with doctoral degrees.


The second chair was Dr Jung-tai Chen, who assumed office in February 2005.


EMBA program for working professionals Student intake: 45 (in Kaohsiung and Kinmen) 
Professor Po-chih Lee became the program director in August 2005, Professor Pao-tiao Chuang took charge of the Kinmen class, and Professor Kuen-horng Lu and Dr Tin-lin Lee were assigned as tutors. In order to accommodate the internationalization and liberalization of trade and commerce, as well as the emergence of markets in China and Southeast Asia, we launched this ‘teaching abroad’ program, aiming to strengthen Taiwan businessmen’s core capabilities and their ability of global arrangement. Through this program, we intend to equip advanced management personnel with capabilities of leading an organization and maintaining a balanced social relationship, helping them achieve self-control and fulfill leadership roles in a changing world. We believe that success consists of a healthy mind, ideal teaching resources, and a stage where one can perform freely. Success also requires one to integrate theories and practices, attain leadership skills through a socialized process, and learn to understand and control oneself so as to develop leadership. This is the optimum program for those who seek to be an industrial and business leader with an international vision.


Dr Yi-min Chen became our third chair in August 2006.


Postgraduate (MA) program Annual student intake: 15 
We started to run the postgraduate program in August 2006 and recruit 15 students every year. The launch of this program is to support national & industrial policies and University development. As the boundaries between countries are getting blurred in the 21 century, global division of labor has become the only way of survival or a world-wide trend hard to resist. To greet the new century, entrepreneurs have to look beyond narrow boundaries and bring their enterprises to the global market, especially in the current times when our business faces intense competition and an increasing number of enterprises are moving out of the island. Seeking partnership opportunities from abroad is essential for local enterprises as the Asia-Pacific region will become a hot spot for investment. Thus, researching the Industrial and business development and trade characteristics, as well as training professional managing and technical talents will be beneficial for local enterprises to invest overseas and internationalize themselves.


IEMBA program for working professionals Student intake: 45 (in Kaohsiung and Vietnam)
This interdisciplinary program is provided to accommodate the goals of national policies, the need of industrial development, and the change of international division of labor. This program is also designed on account of the emergence of Chinese and Southeast Asian markets, the integration of clashes, competition, and cooperation of the main economies in the world, the training and upgrading of advanced management personnel required for international competitiveness, as well as the improvement of intermediate and advanced personnel’s core abilities in overseas Taiwanese enterprises, in the hope of upgrading capabilities for technological innovation, logistics management, and system integration. We provide two classes for EMBA in Kinmen, enrolling 30 students in 2005 and 45 in 2006 with MOE’s permit. We also have one class for IEMBA for working professionals in Vietnam with a number of 45 students permitted.


The fourth and current chair is Dr Ting-lin Lee, who assumed office in August 2009.


Dr Hsin-hsien Liu and Dr Yung-kai Yang joined our team in 2009.


Postgraduate (MA) program for working professionals Annual student intake: 15 
We started our postgraduate programme for working professionals in August 2009, recruiting 15 students every year. This program is provided to accommodate the internationalization and liberalization of trade and commerce, cultivate managing and technical professionals required in the globalization of overseas Taiwanese business, and meet overseas Taiwan businessmen’s needs of dealing with the emerging Chinese and Southeast Asian markets. It aims to widen the international perspective of overseas Taiwanese enterprises and enhance their understanding of China and Southeast Asian countries, in the hope of strengthening their core capabilities and promoting their international competitiveness.


Two-year undergraduate program for working professionals halted. Postgraduate (MA) program for working professionals continued, with an annual student intake of 15. In August 2009, we ran our postgraduate program for working professionals. In August 2010, we suspended the two-year undergraduate program for working professionals. The number of students to be enrolled in the latter is then transferred to former, which can admit 20 students each year.


Dr Yi-Ling Chen joined our team in 2011.


Postgraduate (MA) program for Industrial Annual student intake: 20

Industrial Master Program on Cross-filed Integration and Service development of SMEs in southern Taiwan.

The Fifth and current chair is Dr Hwan-Yann Su, who assumed office in August 2012.


Postgraduate (MA) program for Industrial Annual student intake: 15

Industrial Master Program on E-commerce and Service Innovation


 Postgraduate (MA) program for Industrial Annual student intake: 8

Industrial Master Program on Innovation Incubation and Business Strategy


The student recruitment of two-year undergraduate program for working professionals was suspended with approval from the Ministry of Education in August, 2010. The opening number of students is given to the In-service Master Program and the two-year undergraduate program for working professionals was officially abolished from the academic year 2015.

Dr. Hsin-Hsian Liu became the 6th chair in August 2015.


The Service and Planning Industries of e-Manufacturing and e-Commerce Master Program was established in academic year 2016 fall and 8 students were recruited. Purposes of the establishment are to enhance cooperation and interaction between students and the industries, to provide the graduates platform of job search, and to train the talents for the industries.

Dr. Bo-Xiang Hsu joined the faculty team in 2016.


Dr. Yi-Ling, Chen became the 7th Chair of the Department of Asia-Pacific Industrial and Business Management (APIBM) in August, 2018.


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