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Master Degree Program (For students admitted in the academic year 2019 onwards.) 


Regulations of Course Requirements for Postgraduate (MA) Programs

The Department of Asia-Pacific Industrial and Business Management National University of Kaohsiung


Ⅰ.The regulations are in accordance with National University of Kaohsiung Regulations and National University of Kaohsiung Regulations of Credit Exemption.

Ⅱ.Research areas:

     1.Management Science, Operations Management, Quality Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, and Service Management

     2.Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Science and Technology Management, International Business Management, and Organization & Human Resource


III. Minimum credits requirement for graduation: 36 (not including credits of master dissertation), including 9 credits of required courses and a minimum of 18 credits of

      elective courses.

IV. Required Courses are:

     1.Methodology: 3 credits.

     2.Asia-Pacific Business Management-3 credits, Multivariate Analysis-3 credits.

     3.Students without management undergraduate degrees and have not taken Economics or Accounting are required to take the undergraduate courses of Economics(I)(II) or

        Accounting (I)(II) and the credits are not included in the credits required for graduation.

V. Elective Courses: Note that taking elective courses shall be based on those provided by the Department. Elective courses provided by the other departments is restricted to

     MA programs. Elective Courses are exclusive of the courses related to seminars, special topics, and/or those equivalent to courses that the Department provides.

VI. English Language Proficiency Test

     Students are required to acquire one of the following English tests level before graduation:

     1.OEFL 520 for PBT, 193 for CBT, and 70 for iBT

     2.TOIEC 700

     3.GEPT (high-intermediate level)

     Note that the test records must exceed no more than five years before graduation)

VII. All students are required to take one of the language tests abovementioned and those who fail to reach the minimum requirement are allowed to select one of the

       following alternatives instead (with failed language record as proof):

     1.Either being a citizen of an English-speaking country or holding a BA or higher diploma in an English-speaking country

     2.Studying abroad as an exchange student for at least one quarter (Note that the classes shall be English lectured.)

     3.Completing at least 54 hours of intermediate or high-intermediate English conversation courses at the Language Center of the University, and with a certificate of

        attendance as proof.

     4.Writing dissertations in English

     5.Presenting dissertations in an international conference abroad

VIII. Students are required to participate at least one either domestic or overseas conference before graduation and to obtain the acceptance letter of dissertation presentation

         which including poster session or oral presentation. The presentation is allowed to be co-edited by more than one student and shall be confirmed as well as supervised by

         the advisor.

IX. Students are required to consult with the full-time faculty of the Department for an appropriate advisor. If co-supervision is needed, one of the advisors must be a full-time

       faculty member of the Department.

X. Students are required to choose their advisor before the end of the final exam week in the second semester of the first academic year.

XI. Before application of viva, students who plan to apply for oral examination at the 1st semester of each academic year shall complete oral examination plan of the

      dissertation by November 15th; for the students who plan to apply for oral examination at the 2nd semester shall complete oral examination plan of the dissertation

      by April 15th.

XII. Request for change of advisor(s) must be submitted before the end of the first semester of the second year. Students must obtain the new advisor’s written consent, notify

        the previous one, and ask for the Chairperson’s approval. Students can only request for change of advisor(s) once.

XIII. Credit exemption

     1.Students can apply for up to 6 credits of exemption (excluding Seminars and Special Topics) for courses taken in other schools before enrollment to the Department.

     2.Students can apply for up to 9 credits of exemption (excluding Seminars and Special Topics) for courses taken in other departments of the University before enrollment to

        the Department.

     3.Students can apply for exemption of up to 1/3 of required credits needed for graduation (excluding Seminars and Special Topics) for courses taken in the Department

        before formal enrollment to the MA program of the Department.

     4.Students can apply for a waiver for management-related courses taken five years before enrollment to the Department with a minimum scores of 75. This must be

        approved by the Departmental Committee of Courses.

     5.Students can apply for a waiver for credit-based postgraduate courses taken in the University Extension Education Center five years before enrollment to the Department

        with a minimum scores of 80 or a ranking which falls within the top 50% of total students taking the requested course(s). This must be approved by the Departmental

        Committee of Courses.

     6.For the courses and credits of exemption, an interview to the applicants may be taken whenever is necessary and the credits exemption can be granted if the applicants

        pass the interview. The Departmental Committee of Courses are obliged to examine the exceptional cases.

XII. The regulations become effective from the announcement date and shall be approved in the Meeting of College Affairs and passed in the Meeting of Academic Affairs.

        The same procedure shall be adopted if the regulations are to be amended.


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