1.請有意參加者於11/14(四) 17:00前完成報名。Please register by November 14th 17:00.
2.參與者送出報名表後即表示同意將下列資訊授權高雄大學及日本台灣交流協會使用。After submitting this registration form, paticipants agree to authorize National University of Kaohsiung (NUK) and the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association to use the following information.
(1)說明會中所拍攝及錄影之人像 Images captured and recorded during this information session.
(2)本報名表收集之個人資料 Personal information collected from this registration form.
3.主辦單位保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利。NUK reserves the right to amend or terminate the event.
4.如對活動有任何疑問,請洽本校國際事務處伍珊琪小姐( shanchi@nuk.edu.tw/ 07-591-9367) If you have any question, please be free to contact Ms. Vicky Wu ( shanchi@nuk.edu.tw/ 07-591-9367) from Office of International Affairs.
國際事務處 敬上